This description will help you choose the Mininet option that will be best

Type 1 - 14 sites - 3-4 keywords minimum. Useful for low competition keywords, or to increase the variety of keywords that link back to your site.

Type 2 - 22 sites - 4-5 keywords minimum. Increased variety for low competition keywords wanting other options.

Type 3 - 30 sites - 4-5 keywords minimum. A solid order of sites for low competition keywords.

Type 4 - 50 sites - 10 keywords minimum. Useful for moderate competition keywords or looking to get a variety of keywords linking to you.

Type 5 - 100 sites - 15 keywords minimum. Useful for larger websites looking to diversify their links and relevancy.

Type 6 - 150 sites - 30 keywords minimum. This is only used by large websites looking for diversity, especially with generic keywords.

Type 7 - 200 sites - 40 keywords minimum. Intended for large websites looking to increase their range of incoming anchortext. This should be used only in cases where there are already a variety of sites pointing to you or in conjunction with other services, such as A-Class IP blogs.

Choosing a number of posts per blog

For people who are concerned with their links looking natural, a common opinion is that links from blogs with only a single post on them may not look organic enough. Each Mininet can be created with the blog sites in the Mininet having up to 5 posts per blog site. For example, a Type 1 Mininet which has 3 article sites and 11 blog sites would have 5 posts on each of those 11 blog sites (obviously you cannot have multiple posts on article sites, and it wouldn't make sense to do so). We offer up to 5 posts per blog site on the Mininets in order to keep the blogs looking extremely realistic. We have even done up to 10 posts per blog on custom orders. Regardless of however many posts you order, each blog will only link to the target site once overall. So a Type 1 Mininet with 1 post per blog site will have 14 links to you total (one from each site), and a Type 1 Mininet with 5 posts per blog will still have 14 links to you total (one from each site) and the difference is that the blogs will each have 5 posts.